


Instructions for reviews

Requirements reviews

All scientific articles submitted to the editorial board of the journal "Telecom IT" are subject to mandatory one-sided anonymous ("blind") examination (the authors of the manuscript do not know the reviewers and receive a letter with comments signed by the editor of the journal "Telecom IT").

The work on reviewing the manuscript begins from the day when the editorial office receives the full set of materials and accepts the offer to publish the manuscript of a scientific article.

An article is considered received by the editorial board if it is submitted in a complete form and is designed in accordance with the requirements established by the Rules for submitting a Manuscript for Publication.

If the author(s) has a review from a person with a Doctor of science degree on the subject of the article, who is not related to the author (s) by any obligations, including joint work, the article is reviewed by the scientific editor, and the review submitted by the author(s) does not guarantee the unconditional inclusion of the manuscript in the issue.

The reviewer may give an opinion in any other written form. In this case, the review should include the following information.

  • originality of the paper, novelty of the received results;
  • completeness and correctness of the representation problem in the literature review;
  • relevance of the topic;
  • the current state of the question;
  • clarity of goals and objectives, their correspondence to the presented factual material;
  • detailed description of materials and methods of research;
  • the adequacy of the choice of research methods;
  • the adequacy of the analysis of the research results or experimental data;
  • results correspond to the objectives of the study;
  • a critical evaluation of the obtained data, taking into account the comparison with the papers of other authors;
  • the validity of the findings;
  • the scientific value of the research results;
  • the practical significance of the results;
  • clarity of presentation (tables, figures);
  • comparison of own data with literature data;
  • contains references to all important publications on the topic;
  • the correctness of the borrowing materials and the absence of plagiarism;
  • quality and volume;
  • the paper complies with ethical standards.


The reviewer prepares and submits to the editorial board in writing a detailed review that contains:

1. relevance of the issues under consideration;

2. scientific novelty of the proposed solutions (in the articles of applicants for academic degrees and titles;

3. critical review of the article (including comments and suggestions for their elimination;

4. determining the possibility of publishing an article in the journal. If publication is not possible, a reasoned refusal is reflected in the review;

5. signature and date of review.

In the presence of the reviewer's comments and recommendations on the revision of the manuscript, the latter is returned to the author for making edits, in case of a positive review and making corrections determined by the reviewer, eliminating comments, etc. the author is given the opportunity to publish the manuscript.

The original reviews are kept in the publishing house and in the editorial office of the journal for 5 years. The Editorial Board undertakes to send copies of reviews to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation upon receipt of a corresponding request to the editorial office of the publication. All manuscripts undergo a two-stage (automatic and manual) plagiarism check. All bibliography given in the list of references is checked by the bibliographer. The presence of sources for "cheating" IF entails an unconditional refusal to publish.

Instructions for authors

The manner of publications and the requirements for materials

Materials are accepted via the journal's email address Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. .

1. The editorial board accepts materials (manuscripts of scientific articles in Russian or English and accompanying documents (see point 4), which contain the results of the author's(s) scientific activity.

2. The journal does not publish previously published results of the scientific activity of the author(s).

3. Manuscripts submitted for publication must be completed works, but they can be ongoing (divided into parts and having conclusions in parts).

4. Materials are submitted in electronic form (rar/zip archive) in the following package:

File 1 – scientific article manuscript in MS Word (.doc) format. If the manuscript contains drawings, you must attach them in their original formats.

File 2 – information about authors in Russian and English in MS Word format.

File 3 – expert and identification opinions on the possibility of publishing the manuscript in the public domain, certified by the place of study or work. Authors working at the St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications named after Prof. M. A. Bonch-Bruevich provide the original version to the editorial office. Authors from other organizations provide a scan in a jpg file, 300 dpi, in color. Authors should provide for written consent to publication from individuals or organizations that commissioned certain studies, the direct or indirect results of which are planned for publication in the journal.

File 4 (for graduate students) – review of the supervisor, the signature of the supervisor is certified at the place of his work in scanned form. The review should contain: the relevance of the results under consideration; the scientific novelty of the proposed solutions; a critical review of the article (including comments and suggestions for their elimination); determination of the possibility of publishing the article in the journal, signature and date, certification of the signature.

5. After receiving the materials (clause 4) in full, the author is sent a license agreement on the transfer of non-exclusive rights to use the work for conclusion. The editorial board reserves the right to select manuscripts for the journal and request additional documents.

6. Manuscripts and media are not returned to authors, and no fee is paid.

7. All manuscripts are subject to external peer review. If there is a positive review, the decision on publication is made by the editorial board. In conflict situations, the decision is made by the editor-in-chief.

8. If there is a positive review with a recommendation to finalize the manuscript (eliminate comments), the manuscript is returned to the author for revision. 

Main topics of journal

The journal accepts only those papers that meet the main topics:

1. Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and software packages (1.2.2).

2. Electronic component base of micro-and nanoelectronics, quantum devices (2.2.2).

3. Radio engineering, including television systems and devices (2.2.13).

4. Antennas, microwave devices and their technologies (2.2.14).

5. Telecommunication systems, networks and devices (2.2.15).

6. System analysis, information management and processing, statistics (2.3.1).

7. Automation and control of technological processes and production facilities (2.3.3).

8. Methods and systems of information protection, information security (2.3.6).

The requirements for papers submitted to the editorial board

Formal requirements to the paper is not is debatable and vague. The article can be accepted for publication only if rigid and strict observance of the authors of all editorial requirements to the paper, without exception.

General requirements to the paper (download example).

1. The paper should be submitted in the format of Word – DOC file.

2. Recommended volume of the paper up to 50 pages. In some cases, the volume can be increased if it is required by the logic of paper. The publication of larger articles should be agreed with the editorial board in a separate order, as well as prepare a message to the reviewer explaining the reasons why it is impossible to fit the article material into the recommended volume. 

3. Page size - A4. All margins (top, bottom, right and left) - 2 cm.

4. The font of the text of the article – Times New Roman. Font size - 14 pt. Line spacing – 1. Indentation – 1.25 cm, Margins between paragraphs – off. The highlight text – an italic font. Latin letters – an italic font. Greek letters – a Roman font. Numerical indexes in the notation – a Roman font.

5. The article should begin with the index UDC which is aligned with the left edge of the page. After the UDC is to skip a line.

6. The paper title must accurately and clearly describe the content of the paper. Title of the paper is executed in a bold font, center alignment of the page without indentation. The title should be write in lowercase (small) letters, using capital letters only where necessary (at the beginning of the first word, names, proper nouns, abbreviations, etc.). It is not recommended to use the abbreviations, except generally accepted in the relevant subject area. The dot after the title NOT assigned. After the title of the article should be pass line. 

7. The names of authors are separated by commas in a sequence that fit the personal contribution to the writing of the article. The names of the authors centered on the page with no indentation. Between the surname and between initials put a non-breaking space (Ctrl+Shift+space). After the names of authors is to skip a line.

8. Abstract is performed in Russian and English. The abstract font is 11 pt, italic, indent - 1.25 cm. Headings of the abstract - boldface font. After the abstract is to skip a line.

9. Key words are exactly as abstract and must contain the main concepts and terms used in the paper. After the paragraph with key words is to skip a line.

10. In the article, it is recommended that the main text is divided in parts, with conventional headings "Introduction", "Statement of the problem" ("Formalization of the task"), "Model..." ("Method...", "Method..."), "Results of modeling" ("Rationale..."), "Conclusions". Headers are bold font and centered on the page with no indentation. Before headings is to skip a line. The intervals before and after are 6pt each.

11. Tables centered on the page with no indentation. The text inside tables is the font from 10 pt to 14 pt, depending on the amount of text in the table cells. Tables are numbered in order of mention, and their names are recorded in the form "Table 1 – table title" and align the center of the page without indentation.

12. The pictures and figures of the paper are embedded as objects of vector graphics in format of MS Visio (VSD) or Windows metafile formats (WMF or EMF). If figures cannot be represented in vector formats, the figures are in bitmap formats JPG or PNG. The figures consecutive numbering as mentioned in the paper in the form "Fig. 1. The title of the figure". The number and title of figure, centered on the page with no indentation. Before figure and after its title is to skip a line.

13. The formulas typed in MathType or Microsoft Equation 3.0. Formulas can be typed in the main text way the insert special mathematical symbols via the menu "insert-symbol". Prohibited to recruit formulas in the built-in editor of formulas Microsoft Office 2007 and above. The main font of formulas typed in Microsoft Equation 3.0 is 12 or 14. Formulas left-aligned with paragraph indent of 2.5 cm. If you need to insert formula from two strings, you use the mathematical notation of the transfer formula. Is the text there are links to the formulas, these formulas should be numbered. The formula number is stamped on the right side of the page. In the formulas, do not insert an extra blank line before and after formulas.

14. Formula numbers, figure numbers, references and the formula links in the main text of the article need to highlight in yellow for easier editing of the paper.

15. At the end of the paper may be stated expression of gratitude for assistance in research, information about grants in which the work was performed, as well as information on sources of research funding. Also at the end of the paper can be submitted applications, which contained listings of programs, various volume charts and graphs, and other elements which are an integral part of the study but clutter the main text of the paper.

16. The list of used sources is made in accordance with the requirements of references in the journal after the title "References" which is performed in bold font, aligned to center of the page without indentation. The numbering of references is determined by the order they are mentioned in the paper. In the formation of the list of references you should not use the function of automatic generation of a numbered list. After list of references is to skip a line.

17. After the list of references indicate the date of the first submission of the paper in editorial board. This paragraph appears in bold font, alignment on the right edge of the page.

18. In the end, you enter information about the authors. The information for each author must contain: the last name, first name and patronymic, scientific degree, scientific title, position and full name of the organization, telephone and e-mail.

19. The article ends with a text block that duplicates the title of the article, the names and initials of the authors, the abstract of the article and keywords in English. The elements of this block are designed in the same way as the corresponding elements in Russian at the beginning of the article.

Requirements to a file which contain information about the authors. All the information given for each author separately (an example of a file with information about authors).

1. Surname, Name, Patronymic. (in Russian and English languages)

2. Scientific degree and academic title (if any). (in Russian and English languages)

3. Place of work with indication of country and city.(in Russian and English languages)

4. Position.(in Russian and English languages)

5. Fields of scientific interest.(in Russian and English languages)

6. E-mail. Please specify an existing and valid e-mail address for each author.

7. Postal address for contacts with the authors. This address can be specified one for all authors.

8. Phone for communication.

This information should enable the editorial board quickly to contact with the authors of the papers. If this contact is impossible, it may lead to a delay in the publication of the paper. The editorial board strongly recommends that all correspondence conduct via email.


Download the rules and regulations

Contact us

The Journal “Telecom IT

Chief-in-Editor: Kucheryavy A. E., Dr. habil. of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Federal State Budget-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education "The Bonch-Bruevich St Petersburg State University of Telecommunications", Russian Federation

The editorial office of the publication is located in the building of Federal State Budget-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education "The Bonch-Bruevich St Petersburg State University of Telecommunications", at the address: 22 Bolshevikov Avenue, building 1

E-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.

Phone: +7 (812) 326-31-63, ext. 20-22

Site: http://ijitt.ru

Founder of Journal: Federal State Budget-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education "The Bonch-Bruevich St Petersburg State University of Telecommunications"

Editorial board


  • Andrey E. Kucheryavy, Scopus ID: 15061496600,
    Dr. habil. of Engineering Sciences, Professor, The Bonch-Bruevich St Petersburg State University of Telecommunications, St Petersburg, Russian Federation

Deputy Editor-in-Chief

  • Andrey G. Vladiko, Scopus ID: 56121492300,
    Ph.D.  of Engineering Sciences
    , Associate Professor, The Bonch-Bruevich St Petersburg State University of Telecommunications, St Petersburg, Russian Federation

Editorial Board

  • Roman Yu. Borodulin,
    Dr. habil. of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor,
    Military Academy of Communications named after Marshal of the Soviet Union S.M. Budyonny, St Petersburg, Russian Federation
  • Mikhail V. Buinevich, Scopus ID: 56122749800,
    Dr. habil. of Engineering Sciences, Professor, St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Emergency Situations
    России, St Petersburg, Russian Federation
  • Evgeniy I. Glushankov, Scopus ID: 57576452300,
    Dr. habil. of Engineering Sciences, Professor, The Bonch-Bruevich St Petersburg State University of Telecommunications, St Petersburg, Russian Federation
  • Andrew V. Kalach, Scopus ID: 57201667604,
    Dr. habil. of Chemical Sciences
    , Professor, Voronezh Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service, Voronezh, Russian Federation
  • Viacheslav G. Kartashevskiy, Scopus ID: 6507054475,
    Dr. habil. of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Volga Region State University of Telecommunications and Informatics, Samara, Russian Federation
  • Ruslan V. Kirichek, Scopus ID: 54583664400,
    Dr. habil. of Engineering Sciences, Professor, The Bonch-Bruevich St Petersburg State University of Telecommunications, St Petersburg, Russian Federation
  • Valeriy D. Lukyanov, Scopus ID: 57222086048,
    Dr. habil. of Physics and Mathematics Sciences
    , Professor, JSC Avangard, St Petersburg, Russian Federation
  • Lyudmila O. Mirova, Scopus ID: 6504093492,
    Dr. habil. of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Order of the Red Banner of Labor Russian Scientific Research Institute of Radio named after M. I. Krivosheev, Moscow, Russian Federation
  • Sergey N. Novikov, Scopus ID: 16022686600,
    Dr. habil. of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Siberian State University of Communications and Informatics, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
  • Aleksander I. Paramonov, Scopus ID: 7006318894,
    Dr. habil. of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor, The Bonch-Bruevich St Petersburg State University of Telecommunications, St Petersburg, Russian Federation
  • Tatyana M. Tatarnikova, Scopus ID: 36715607400,
    Dr. habil. of Engineering Sciences, Professor, St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, St Petersburg, Russian Federation
  • Fariza B. Tebueva, Scopus ID: 57189512319,
    Dr. habil. of Physics and Mathematics Sciences
    , Professor, North Caucasus Federal University, Stavropol, Russian Federation
  • Vladimir A. Filin,
    Dr. habil. of Engineering Sciences, Professor, The Bonch-Bruevich St Petersburg State University of Telecommunications, St Petersburg, Russian Federation
  • Grigoriy A. Fokin, Scopus ID: 56321787300,
    Dr. habil. of Engineering Sciences, Professor, The Bonch-Bruevich St Petersburg State University of Telecommunications, St Petersburg, Russian Federation

Executive Editor

  • Irina M. Tatarnikova, The Bonch-Bruevich St Petersburg State University of Telecommunications, St Petersburg, Russian Federation

Issuing Editor

  • Denis N. Yashugin, The Bonch-Bruevich St Petersburg State University of Telecommunications, St Petersburg, Russian Federation

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  1. About Journal
