
About Journal

The Journal "Telecom IT" is the scientific electronic reviewed edition, scientific and practical journal.

The founder and publisher is the Federal State Budget-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education "The Bonch-Bruevich St Petersburg State University of Telecommunications"

The Journal was registered in the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Media (RosKomNadzor) of Russia. Certificate of registration Mass Media Press Information EL No. FS 77 - 75184 dated February 22, 2019.

Publication languages: Russian, English.

International Standard Serial Publication Number ISSN 2307-1303.

Journal title: Telecom IT.

Abbreviation: ITT.

English translation of the title: Telecom IT.

Transliteration of the  title: Informatsionnye tekhnologii i telekommunikatsii.

In English-language references we kindly ask you to use the title in English.

The articles are published in the open access with the full text of the articles transferred to the scientific citation databases (RSCI, Google Scholar).

The two-year RSCI impact factor for 2021 is 0.43.

The periodicity of publication is 4 times a year.Authors are not charged for publication.

Main topics of journal

The journal "Telecom IT" publishes only articles that correspond to the main thematic sections of the journal:

1. Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and software packages (1.2.2).

2. Electronic component base of micro-and nanoelectronics, quantum devices (2.2.2).

3. Radio engineering, including television systems and devices (2.2.13).

4. Antennas, microwave devices and their technologies (2.2.14).

5. Telecommunication systems, networks and devices (2.2.15).

6. System analysis, information management and processing, statistics (2.3.1).

7. Automation and control of technological processes and production facilities (2.3.3).

8. Methods and systems of information protection, information security (2.3.6).


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Contact information

The editorial office of the publication is located in the building of Federal State Budget-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education "The Bonch-Bruevich St Petersburg State University of Telecommunications", at the address: 22 Bolshevikov Avenue, building 1

E-mail address: Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.

Phone: +7 (812) 326-31-63, ext. 20-22

